Radio Vaticana

Daily Liturgy


Welcome to all you Catholics out there who want to deepen your faith and get more involved, as well as to those of you who simply want to learn more about the Catholic faith! This blog attempts to be a 'one-stop shop' for your daily fill of Catholic news and information!

Deepening Your Faith and Getting Involved:

> Direction for Our Times - Direction for Our Times is the organization which was established in December 2004 to promote the writings of Anne, a lay apostle, and membership of the Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the Returning King. Anne works within the magisterium of the Church and in complete obedience to her local Bishop, the Most Reverend Leo O’Reilly of the Diocese of Kilmore in Ireland. In 2013, he granted an Imprimatur for all of the writings of Direction for Our Times. The Very Rev. John Canon Murphy issued a Nihil Obstat for all of her writings as well. These messages have been given to Anne by Jesus, Mary, God the Father, and many saints. Anne receives them and records them for heaven through a process called interior locution.

>Re-Charge - Youth Division of Direction for Our Times

Jesus Christ the Returning King

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